
Keizer Wilhelm II en de Brits-Duitse controverse over de opbouw van de Duitse oorlogsvloot

46 minuten leestijd
Hochseeflotte met daarboven een zeppelin
Duitse Hochseeflotte met daarboven een zeppelin


1 Massie.R., Dreadnought.
2 AsquithH. The Genesis of the War, p97 e.v.
3 Massie.R., “Dreadnought.
4 Diwald,h., Seemachtpolitik p 25.
5 Diwald,H., p 31.
6 Berghahn., Germany and the approach of War, p.42.
7 Kraft., Lord Haldane’s zending naar Berlijn in 1912, p.101. Br.Doc.lll, p.430-431.
8 Times,13/6/1900.
9 memoires Adm. Fisher.
10 Offer,A., The First World War, an agrarian interpretation, p.240-241, Capt.O.de
B.Brock., War with Germany. 10 June 1908.
11 Diwald.H., p.28.
12 Ibid,,p.21-22.
13 Ibid, p.238-239.
14 A.Offer, The First Worldwar, an agrarian interpretation, p.243.
15 Tirpitz., Pol.Doc, Vol.1.p.461, Kraft, p.6.
16 Morris.A., Radicalism against War, p.144.
17 Lloyd George to Asquith,2 Febr.1909.
18 Nevis,A., Henry White, Thirty Years of American Diplomacy, London 1930.
19 Clark C., Kaiser Wilhelm ll. p.133.
20 Br.Docs.Vol III. P.397 e.v.
21 Robbins., Sir Edward Grey, London 1971, p.131.
22 Trevelyan., Grey of Fallodon, p.84.
23 Massie.R., “Dreadnought”.
24 Ibid, p.184.
25 Carner,J.W., International Law and the World War, p.12.
26 Eyre Crowe. Minute of 24 Dec.1908, (a gloss of the report of the meeting of Sir
Edward Grey and R.McKenna of 15 Dec, F.O.371/794 fo.146.
27 Grant Duff papers,22/1, Grant Duff diary 22-24/2/11
