
De Britse rol bij het ontstaan van de Eerste Wereldoorlog

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*1 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War.
(1991) p.40
Robbins. Sir Edward Grey. (1971). p.131
*2 : Trevelyan.G.M., Grey of Fallodon. p.82
*3 : Ibid. p.83
*4 : Ibid.
*5 : Snijders & Duffour.De mobilisatie bij de Grote Mogendheden in
1914. p.58,59,71,72

Schwertjeger.Belgische Stukken nr 152.Brief graaf Van der
*6 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the FirstWorld War.
National Review.Nov.1901.A.B.C. Proposal. (zie bijlage 1).
*7 : Trevelyan.G.M., Grey of Fallodon. p.84.
*8 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World
War.(1991) p.40,41,87
*9 : Haldane.R.B., Richard Burdon Haldane. London (1929) p.189
*10 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First Worldwar.
p. 254, 255
*11 : Trevelyan.G.M., Grey of Fallodon. p.133, 134
. Morel.E.D., Truth and the War. (Ned.vertaling) p.28,29
*12 : Trevelyan.G.M., Grey of Fallodon. p.136
*13 : Morris.A.J.A., Radicalism against War 1906-1914. (1972) p.92
*14 : Ibid. p.83
*15 : Trevelyan. G.M., Grey of Fallodon. p.136
*16 : Herre.Paul., . Die kleine Staaten Europas und die Entstehung
des Weltkrieges.(1937) p.190,191,192
*17 : Ibid.p.192.
*18 : Smit..C., Nederland in den Eerste Wereldoorlog. (1971) Dl
*19 : Fay.S.B., The Origins of the Worldwar. (1932.) Vol.1. p.555
Hosse.(1930) Die englisch-belgischen Aufmarschplane gegen
BD 111-p.186-203
*20. : Fay.S.B., The Origins of the Worldwar. Vol. 1. p.555.
Harold Nicolson to Lord Carnock” London 1930. p.399
*21 : Herre.Paul.,. Die kleine Staaten Europas und die Entstehung
des Weltkrieges.. p.195-196. quote Erlasz Favereaus 17-02-06
*22 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War.
*23 : Churchill.W., The World Crisis 1911-1914. London 1927. Volt.
1, p.53
*24 : Callwell. Maj.Gen.Sir.C.E., Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson.
His life and diaries. Vol.1.p.86
*25 : Ibid. p 94
*26 : Ibid. p.107
*27 : Ibid.
*28 : Ibid, p.102
*29 : Ibid.
*30 : Morris.A.J.A.,Radicalism against War. p.283.
*31 : Ibid. p.284.
*32 : Callwell.Maj.Gen.Sir.C.E., Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson.
His life and diaries. Vol.1.p.99
*33 : Ibid.p.100.
Steiner. Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War.
(1991) p.73-74
*34 : Ibid.p.74
*35 : Morris.A.J.A., Radicalism against War. p.297.
Asquith to Haldane. 9-9-1911
*36 : Ibid. p.295
*37 : Ibid. p.296.
*38 : Ibid. p.298
*39 : Lloyd George.D. , War Memoirs” Vol.1. p.2-47
Morris. A.J.A., Radicalism against War. p.299.
Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War.
(1991) p.76.
*40 : Ibid. p. 201.
*41 : Ibid
*42 : Ibid. p. 74.
*43 : Lloyd George. D., War Memoirs. Vol.1. p.47-49.

*44 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War.
(1991) p.237.
*45 Morris. A.J.A., Radicalism against War. p.284; zie ook
Fay.S.B., The origins of the World War.
Barnes.H.E., The genesis of the World War.
Warmelo.W.L., De misdaad van 1914 (1931).
*46 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War
(1991). p.82
*47 : Ibid;
Trevelyan. G.M., Grey of Fallodon. p.182
*48 : Trevelyan. G.M., Grey of Fallodon. p.182
*49 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World
War.(1991) .p.86.
*50 : Trevelyan.G.M., Grey of Fallodon. p.181
*51 : B.D: 4. 213.
Siccama.K.H.Ds., De annexatie van Bosnie-Herzegovina. p 148
*52 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War.
( 1991).p.80, 81
*53 : Ibid. P.82;
Key Treaties for the Great Powers p .805..
*54 : Monteglas. The case of the Central Powers. p.252.
Duitse Witboek:Deutschland Schuldig?. p.140.
*55 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War.
*56 : B.D:5. 195.
*57 : Monteglas. The case of the Central Powers. p.252.
Duitse Witboek. Deutschland Schuldig?.p.140.
Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War.
Isvolski to Benckendorff. 18-6-1908..
Fay.S.B., The origins of the World War. Vol.1. p.241.
*58 : Steiner.Zara.S. Britain and the origins of the First World War.
(1991).p.40. quotes
Mattheus.H.G.C., Liberal Imperialists. p.204.
*59 : Avner Offer. The First World War, an agrarian inter
pretation.1991. p.242,243
The Economic Effect of War on German Trade. Admiralty
Paper E-4.12- 12-08.p.25.
*60 : Ibid.
*61 : Ibid.
*62 : Ibid.p.243.
*63 : Ibid.
Kraft.B.D.E., Lord Haldanes zending naar Berlijn in 1912. p.30
*64 Gr.Pol. 23. no 1.777.
*65 : Kraft.B.D.E., Lord Haldanes zending naar Berlijn in 1912.
*66 : The Nation. 13-06-08. p 369.370.
*67 : Br.Doc.4. p.617. 24-02-08.
Steiner. Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War.
*68 : Morris.A.J.A., Radicalism against War. p.132.
*69 : Memorandum of the Sealords. Jan.1909,geciteerd door
Morris in Radicalsm against War. p.147
*70 : Morris.A.J.A., Radicalism against War. p.144
*71 : Ibid.p.142.
The Nation. 1-5 Augustus 1908
*72 : Morris. A.J.A., Radicalism against War. P150
Lloyd George to Asquith, 2 February 1909
*73 : Ibid. p.152, Cabinet Memorandum 2 February 1909
*74 : Ibid. .p.150.
*75 : Hirst. The six Panics. p.98.
*76 : Kraft.B.D.E., Lord Haldane’s zending naar Berlijn in 1912.

(1931) p.42
*77 : Ibid. p.43
*78 : Ibid.. p.42
*79 : Morris.A.J.A..Radicalism against War. p.222.
*80 : Ibid. p.222.
Nicolson to Hardinge. 02-03-11.
*81 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War.
(1991).p.140. citeert
Hardinge. Mss vol.92 Nicolson to Hardinge. 17-08-11.
*82 : Trevelyan. G.M., Grey of Fallodon. p.216.;
G.D.D.p.132. (Vol 1911-1914)
*83 : Ibid.
*84 : Steiner.Zara.S.,. Britain and the origins of the First World War.
(1991) .p.143.
*85 : Ibid.
*86 : Lloyd George.D.,War Memoirs. Vol.1. p.50.
*87 : Hansard. 5th Ser.XXXII .58. geciteerd door Steiner.p.143.
*88 : Trevelyan.G.M., Grey of Fallodon p.140.;
Brits Blauwboek 105;
*89 : Morris.A.J.A., Radicalism against War. p.316.
DDF IV.563.
*90 : Barnes.H.E., The genesis of the World War. p.470;
Grey of Fallodon.Twenty five years. Vol 2. p.16,17.
*91 : Kraft.B.D.E., Lord Haldanes zending naar Berlijn in 1912. p.7.
*92 : Ibid.p.6.
*93 : Ibid.p.8. citeert Meinecke.p.89.e.v.
*94 : Ibid.p.11.
*95 : Ibid.p.21.(Zie ook p.21)
*96 : G.P. Vol.31.p.95-251. (1871-1914)
Bethmann Hollweg. Betrachtungen. Band 1. p.48 e.v.
Haldane.Visc. Before the War’ (1920). p.55-72.
*97 : G.P.Vol.31. p.103 e.v.
*98 : Grey of Fallodon. ‘Twenty Five Years Vol.1.p.228.e.v.
*99 : G.P.Vol.31. p.55,62,126.
*100 : Morel.E.D., Truth and the War. p.355.
*101 : Morris.A.J.A., Radicalism against War.p.308.
Trevelyan.G.M., Grey of Fallodon,. p.228.
*102 : B.D Vol.6, No 490.
*103 : Kraft.B.D.E., Lord Haldanes zending naar Berlijn in 1912.
*104 : Ibid. p.205.
*105 : Ibid. p.206;
Churchill.W., The World Crisis 1911-14.. Vol.1. p.102.
*106 : Churchill. W., p.99.
*107 : Kraft.B.D.E., p.229
*108 : Ibid. . p.233.
*109 : Fay.S.B., The origins of the World War. Vol.1. p.305.
*110 : gecombineerde Bethmann/Haldane formule 10-02-12. in
Fay.S.B., Vol 1.p.305
*111 : Kraft. B.D.E., Lord Haldanes zending naar Berlijn in 1912.
*112 : Ibid.;
Fay.S.B., Volt 1.p.305
*113 : Ibid. p.230. Quote Gr.Pol. Volt.31. no 11358
*114 : Morris.A.J.A., Radicalism against War..p.310-311
*115 : G.P. Vol.31. 128-145
*116 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World
*117 : Kraft.B.D.E., Lord Haldanes zending naar Berlijn in 1912.
*118 : Steiner.Zara.S.,. Britain and the origins of the First
World War. (1991).P.96

*119 : Fischer.Fr. Griff nach der Weltmacht. P.29
*120 : Raymond Poincare. Memoiren (Duitse vert.Paul Aretz Verlag
1928). Dl.1 p.140)
*121 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War.
*122 : Ibid.Nicolson to Bertie 08-02-1912
*123 : Barnes. Genesis of the World War.. p.480
*124 : Trevelyan.G.M., Grey of Fallodon.. p.84
*125 : Barnes. Genesis of the World War. p.48.
*126 : Ibid. p.499
*127 : Ibid;
Muller.Joh., (uitg.) Engelands rol bij het uitbreken van de
Wereldstrijd.. p.46
Blauwboek. p.123
*128 : Muller.Joh. (uitg.) Engelands rol bij het uitbreken van de
Wereldstrijd.. p.9
*129 : Ibid.
*130 : Ibid.p.30.
*131 : Manchester Guardian 19-4-12;
The Nation 27-4-12.
*132 : Morell.E.D., Truth & the War. p.357
*133 : Trevelyan.G.M., Grey of Fallodon. p.216;
Dugdale. “German Dipl.Documents 4. (1931) p.132.e.v.
Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World War.
*134 : Barnes.H.E., Genesis of the World War.p.474.
*135 : Callwell.Maj.Gen.C.E.,Fieldmarshal Sir Henry Wilson. Vol 1,
*136 : B.D Vol X (2) no 416 quoted by Steiner, p.103.
*137 : Churchill.W., The World Crisis 1911-14. Vol 1.p.112
*138 : Asquith.Rt.Hon.H.H, M.P., The genesis of the war.p.83
*139 : Callwell.Maj.Gen.C.E., Fieldmarshal Sir Henry Wilson. Vol
Gen Sir.Percy Radcliff. (ongepubliceerd) Public Record Office
Papers Gen.Sir.Ch.Deedes, quoted in ‘Stand To’ no 10, (1984).
(orgaan Western Front Ass) Uk.
*140 : Ibid (Callwell) p.151
*141 : Ibid. p.150.
Ibid.,Stand To, waarin Gen.Radcliff beschrijft hoe vanaf 1906 de besprekingen met Frankrijk verliepen, de rol van Wilson, de strikte geheimhouding en vertelt dat de hele
planning slechts door een half dozijn officieren werd opgesteld.
*142 : Barnes.H.E., Genesis of the Worldwar.p.467
*143 : Steiner.Zara.S. Britain and the origins of the First World War.
*144 : Trevelyan.G.M., Grey of Fallodon.p.253
*145 : Henderson.Dr.E.F., The verdict of History. p.198 quoted by
*146 : Gardner.A,G., Saturday Review of Literature.31-10-25
*147 : Barnes.H.E., Genesis of the World War. p.538, geciteerd door
Henderson.E.F en gedeeltelijk in ‘New York Nation’, 28- 10-
25, p.490
*148 : Barnes. H.E.,. Genesis of the World War..p.544
*149 : Ibid. p.544
*150 : Ibid. P.546,547
Ewart. Roots and causes of the war 1914-1918, hoofdstuk 14.
Morel.E.D., Thruth and the war. p.21
*151 : Fischer.Fr.Griff nach der Weltmacht.p.63 ev
*152 : Steiner.Zara.S., Britain and the origins of the First World
War.p.125. 184
*153 : Fay.S.B., The origins of the World War. Vol.2. p.365
*154 : Ibid.p.366.

*155 : B.D.132. Tgm.Grey to Buchanan 25 july 1914.1415 p.m.
*156 : Fay.S.B., The origins of the World War. Vol 2.p.376
B.D.122, B.D.145. Rumbold to Grey July 25 1914
*157 : Ibid.
*158 : Fischer.Fr., Griff nach der Weltmacht.p.63
*159 : Fay.S.B., The origins of the World War.Vol 1.p.120 (waarin
gesteld wordt dat mobilisatie gelijk staat aan oorlog);
L’Alliance France-Russe. P.56;
Owen.R.,The Russian Imperial Conspiracy. p.109.
Willy-Nicky telegrammen.,Volledige correspondentie keizer
Wilhelm II aan tsaar Nicolaas.(1919)
*160 : Fay.S.B., The origins of the World War. Vol 2.p.380, citeert
*161 : B.D.125. Buchanan to Grey, July 25 1914.
Fay.S.B., The origins of the World War. Vol 2.p.379.
*162 : Ibid Fay. Vol 1. p.120
*163: Ibid. Vol 2.p.391;
Sazonov tgm 1521 to Isvolski, July 27 1914
*164 : Buchanan to Grey. zie note 161.
*165 : Zie note 159
*166 : Barnes.H.E., Genesis of the World War. P.507.citeert British
Bluebook no 67, B.D. no 203-218.
*167 : Ibid.
*168 : Ibid, P.508.
Fay.S.B., New light on the origins of the World War. in:
American Historical Review, Oct 1920,P.51.
*169 : Barnes.H.E., Genesis of the World War. p.512
*170 : Romberg. Falsifications of the Russian Orange Book.
*171 : Schulte Nordholt.Prof.Dr.J.W., Dichter/Historicus in gesprek
met auteur 1991
*172 : Lumbroso.A., Le origini della guerra mondiale
*173 : Fay.S.B., The origins of the World War.Vol 2.p.557
*174 : Trevelyan.G.M., Grey of Fallodon. p.218
*175 : Lloyd George.D., War Memoirs Vol.1. p.90
*176 : Barnes.H.E., . Genesis of the World War. p.515
*177 : Ibid p.520
*178 : Ibid p.537
*179 : Benckendorf to Sazonov 6-4-1915
*180 : Albertini.Luigi., The origins of the war.Vol 2.p.202
*181 : Ibid. p.214.
*182 : Steiner.Zara.S.,. Britain and the origins of the First World
War. (1991).p.254.
*183 : Ibid. p.255.
*184 : Barnes.H.E., The origins of the World War.p.582..

Hans Andriessen (1937-2022). Eerste Wereldoorlogkenner en auteur van verschillende boeken over de Grote Oorlog. Oprichter van de Stichting Studiecentrum Eerste Wereldoorlog (SSEW).

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